Team: Bene Wahlbrink, Eugenio Cappuccio, Julius Grambow
Location: Online
Year: 2020 -
The transnational virtual reading club is a project that promotes collaborative discussion, born during the pandemic. It is conceived with the intention of turning a disastrous situation into an opportunity to re-evaluate how we connect and share knowledge, experiences and opinions.
After some time, the Virtual Platform has split into three different online formats:
READINGS: a virtual reading group comprised of people from all around the world, where every fortnight a new person chooses a short text to be discussed within the group.
INVITES: a virtual forum for discussion where special guests are invited to speak about a specific piece of work that has been considerably influential to them.
SPOTLIGHTS: a virtual presenting platform where special guests are invited to speak about their work and approach, that in some way demonstrates an alternative perspective within the field.

Poster, 2020

Being confined to the four walls of our living rooms, bedrooms, apartments and homes, and restricted to social distancing measures that prevent us from socialising in conventionally physical ways, we are relieved of the hectic demands for constant movement and activity that metropolitan life requires. Consequently, we have more time to spend on those homebound, intellectually enriching activities that we would otherwise complain we never have enough time to fulfil. In other words we finally have time to sit, think, read and reflect.

PRC Virtual Platform

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