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About our guest:

Rory Hyde is a designer, curator and writer based in London. His work is focused on new forms of design practice for the public good, and redefining the role of the designer today. He is Curator of Contemporary Architecture and Urbanism at the Victoria and Albert Museum; Adjunct Senior Research Fellow at the University of Melbourne; and a Design Advocate for the Mayor of London. He is the author of Future Practice (2013), and co-editor of Architects After Architecture (2020)

Image credit: © Routledge Publishing


About the topic / publication:

Rory Hyde discusses his new book Architects After Architecture: Alternative Pathways for Practice, co-edited with Harriet Harriss and Roberta Marcaccio.

Blurb from back cover: 

"What can you do with a degree in architecture? Where might it take you? What kind of challenges could you address? Architects After Architecture reframes architecture as a uniquely versatile way of acting on the world, far beyond that of designing buildings. In this volume, we meet 40 practitioners who have used their architectural training in new and resourceful ways. Together, they describe a future of architecture that is diverse and engaged, expanding the limits of the discipline, and offering new paths forward in times of crisis."

Words provided by Rory Hyde.


Image credit: © Routledge Publishing

You can watch the discussion here:

Discussion date: Thursday 03rd November, 2020.

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